Becoming A Hero
New Release
Sometimes kids can be mean to each other, often without even realizing it. Fortunately, kids can also be kind at heart and accepting without realizing it. Their everyday acts of kindness can make a huge difference, and the impact can be life changing for both the giver and the receiver. Follow Daniel and his friends as they discover the difference they make every day.
What a simple, yet profound reminder that following the Golden Rule by treating others the way we want to be treated - with love and kindness - has the potential to make heroes of all of us! Becoming a Hero is a powerful and wonderfully endearing story calling us all to genuine friendship and encouragement; the kind of friendship that can have real, heroic and lasting impact on the ones we call 'friends'.
Jon Morton, Pastor
An endearing book about integrity and inclusivity that everyone can relate to. A great place to start conversations with our children!
Kimberly McCage, Elementary Assistant Principal

Request At Your Local Bookstore
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7376870-4-7
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-7376870-5-4
Mom, today at the Christmas party,
Tommy said
Santa isn’t real!
What do you say when your child questions
the magic.....
the spirit......
the existence of Santa?
It's time to read
a story that will change the way
you handle the doubt....
a story that will change the way
you console the tears....
a story that will make it
okay to believe!
Becoming Santa is a story that will change
your child's life...
and yours.

Request at your Local Bookstore
Paperback ISBN 978-1-7376870-1-6
Hardback ISBN 978-1-7376870-0-9

Raving Fan Reviews
"This is the next
T'was the Night Before Christmas.
Every parent needs to add this to their child's collection."
~ Robin Hurst, Author, How Can I Choose?
“Becoming Santa will tug at the heartstrings of anyone, any age, anywhere who has experienced giving like Santa...joyfully, generously, mysteriously.
May you catch Daniel’s compassionate spirit as he discovers this Christmas magic!”
~Laura Wayland, Founder of Auntie for Hire
“This book is a delight and will be perfect for this often difficult transition. It is beautifully and simply written."
~Nancy Hudson, grandmother to William, 8, and Julia, 6
"Wow, I loved it! A gentle story about growing up and discovering the joy of giving to others."
~Katie Cox, Texas School Librarian

Best Selling Author Go Go
Cyndi Merritt, or "Go Go" as she's known to those that love her, is a Writer, a Realtor and a REALLY Goofy Grandmother!
She is a Christian and loves animals, traveling, nature, music and most of all her family and friends.
You might find her at the beach, in the mountains or just getting lost somewhere exploring new places. If you’re with her, be warned, she will wander off!
Her favorite foods are pizza and peanut butter (but not together).
Her motto is
"Work hard, Play harder. Laugh lots and Live every moment to the fullest.
Love with all your heart,
and Leave this world a better place."
About Oliver Kryzz Bundoc
Oliver Kryzz Bundoc
is a Children's Book illustrator based from the Philippines. He is an aspiring artist hoping to provide help to aspiring authors through his illustrations.

The Becoming Books
proudly presents a wonderful
Children's Book series
following Daniel and his friends
as they discover important
life lessons like kindness, honesty, discipline, friendship
and so much more!
Presented in a heartwarming way, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers and educators
will find the books endearing and thought provoking.
These stories will open the opportunity for great conversations with
your children.
Steeped with traditional morals and values, The Becoming Books will be cherished and handed down for generations to come.